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Aeration and Overseeding

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Aeration and Overseeding: Welcome


When grass and soil is used frequently, it becomes compacted and prevents the roots from being able to use water and minerals present in the soil. The benefits of aerating your soil are: 


  • Improved air exchange: After a tough season of winter weather or a full fall of playing outdoors with the kids, your lawn can become compacted. Compacted soil restricts air and nutrient flow between the atmosphere and your grass’s roots, which can cause your lawn to look dry or develop brown patches. Annual aeration improves the exchange of air flow between your soil and the atmosphere, which helps ensure that your grass can grow to its full potential.

  • Enhanced water intake: Like oxygen, water can have a more difficult time traveling through compacted soil. If the roots of your grass don’t have access to an adequate supply of water, you’ll notice brown patches forming in your lawn. Aeration helps improve the flow of nutrients and water from the soil to the roots of your lawn.

  • Reduces stagnating water: Have you noticed puddles of stagnating water pooling on your lawn? These puddles aren’t just annoying when you take your dog out in the morning—they can also create the perfect conditions for mold and other types of lawn funguses to take root on your property. In the summer season, standing pools of water can also quickly become a hotbed for mosquito breeding as well.

  • Reduces the possibility of lawn disease: Stagnating water isn’t the only risk that can be posed to your lawn. In addition to mold and mildew, unhealthy roots can also make your lawn more susceptible to turf diseases. Proper aeration ensures that your roots stay healthy and strong, which means less chances of dealing with lawn diseases in the future. Prevention is better than cure.

  • Improved soil resiliency: In addition to improving the health of your lawn, aeration also removes thatch and keeps your soil resilient to impact and damage. This also creates a buffer between your roots and the crust of your soil, which provides your grass with more resistance to periods of drought and heat stress. 


Aeration and Overseeding: About


A process that introduces fresh grass seeds to your lawn.

Overseeding isn’t a new process—humans have been overseeding crop patches for hundreds of years to reinvigorate the soil and keep pests at bay. But is overseeding really worth the monetary and time investment? Overseeding your lawn comes with a host of benefits for both you as the homeowner and your grass.

  • Reduced lawn erosion: As grass grows, its roots can become compacted and intertwined. This system allows your grass to take in the maximum amount of nutrients, oxygen, and water from the surrounding soil while also crowding out weeds. Adding new roots to this netting through overseeding helps your lawn stay healthy and ensures that your grass has maximum access to the resources it needs to grow effectively and survive colder seasons. This strengthens your lawn and helps reduce instances of grass uprooting on your property.

  • A better-looking lawn: Most homeowners want their lawns to look full, lush, and green year-round. While some homeowners might attempt to correct the look of their lawn with fertilizer, the truth is that mature grass will naturally thin out over time. Overseeding introduces new sprigs of grass to your lawn—which helps enhance your lawn, especially when combined with regular lawn care treatments and preventative weed control. Overseeding can also enhance and even out the color of your lawn, which is important when it comes to maintaining the curb appeal of your property.

  • Reduces the risk of pests and disease: The best way to prevent pests like grubs, diseases like creeping charlie, and fungal infections like moss is to maintain a healthy lawn. Ensuring that your lawn is healthy and has the tools that it needs to fight back against invading animals and pests is the simplest way that you can keep your lawn looking great.

Aeration and Overseeding: Text
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